(VIDEO Review) Hausbell W701 Smart Wi-Fi Plug Wireless Remote Control Electrical Outlet Switch for Household Appliances (2 Pack)

(VIDEO Review) Hausbell W701 Smart Wi-Fi Plug Wireless Remote Control Electrical Outlet Switch for Household Appliances (2 Pack)

1. Smart and easier life: you can now walk into a brightly-lit home after work with your favorite song playing and coffee maker working

and never worry if you left the iron, heater or hair strengthener on

2. Trouble saving: saves the trouble of having to plug and unplug your electric appliances, a great assistant to the mobility impaired

3. On/Off Schedules and Timers: devices should work for you whenever you want them to

turn on/off your devices based on specific times you set

4. Remote access: instantly turn on or off devices from your iOS/Android smartphone or tablet wherever you are

5. Power saving: eliminate wasteful standby power and prevent overcharging and overheating

save on your electric bills and extend product life

(click photo to check price)
Hausbell W701 Smart Wi-Fi Plug Wireless Remote Control Electrical Outlet Switch for Household Appliances (2 Pack) (Click Link to Check Price on Amazon)
Editor's Rating : 9.3 out of 10
1. Smart and easier life: you can now walk into a brightly-lit home after work with your favorite song playing and coffee maker working and never worry if you left the iron, heater or hair strengthener on

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(video review) hausbell w701 smart wi-fi plug wireless remote control electrical outlet switch for household appliances (2 pack)

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