5 Surprises Your Love Will Never Expect

Finding nice things to do for your loved one is not always the is finding time in your schedules to do it. One of the sweetest and most valuable gifts you can give someone is your time.

The following are some fun ideas that take the guess work out of romance, require minimum planning, and can help you to show your love and appreciation for your significant other by giving the gift of time.

Moonlit walk with a picnic

Days can run long. With after-work responsibilities, sports activities, shopping, dinner, it can often feel like there is little time during the week for yourself, or for your partner. If this is a common complaint in your relationship, this is a great opportunity to both de-stress, and earn huge points for your initiative and effort. Taking a nice long walk under the moon with your sweetie can really take the edge off of a long, hard day. Throw in a picnic at the beach or a nearby park, and you officially sweep your honey off their feet.

Do not let time constraints stop you. Make arrangements with a friend or neighbor to pack and deliver the picnic for you. When they show up with basket in hand, you haven't wasted a moment, but end up with a few great hours of quality time with the one you love.

If you happen to be on a work trip far away from each other, you can still do a picnic on video chat.  Baking a cake for your loved one even they couldn't eat it can be romantic, it's the thought that matters.

Write a love letter or poem

This one will make a heart flutter. Write a love letter. Nothing is more romantic than having loving words written to or about you. A poem may take a little more time to pen, however, efficient use of your commute time can make it a snap. Write it down when you get home or to work while it's still fresh. It could be finished in no time, and your partner, in return, will want to do everything in their power to make some free time for you, too!

Charter a sunset sail/cruise

If you live close to a beach, bay, or lake, this is an excellent way to let go of the day's events and focus on your loved one. Surprise them with a few hours on the tranquil waterfront while the sun is going down. Beautiful scenery can make for beautiful memories, and relaxation. Many such cruises offer cocktails and dinner so you don't have to worry about rushing anything once you get away from the office.

Hire a cleaning service

This one is a no-brainer. Coming home to more work after finishing a long day is a nightmare. Coming home to a sparkling house is heaven. Hire a cleaning service, but do it as a surprise, and let your sweetheart come home to heaven. This is a sure-fire way to create a great atmosphere in the house. Just having the time to be silly and have fun can keep the love alive.

A night off

Does your partner seem to never have time enough between crises to breathe, much less take a nice long bath? Get a lovely room at a local hotel and pre-stock it from the heart. Pack a bag of overnight clothes (theirs), toiletries, etc. and take it to the room with some luxurious bath foam in a favorite scent, a book that they haven't had time to read, a bottle of sparkling wine, and maybe a favorite flower laid across the pillow. When dinner questions come about, present the key card with a kiss goodnight and explain they have the night off from all obligations, including you. Don't forge t room service!

There are always ways you can show your love, but when your creativity isn't at its peak, use one of these ideas and watch your partner's heart melt.

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