Past ‘Business trends’ that won’t stop in 2020

Past ‘Business trends’ that won’t stop in 2020
(Photo : Past ‘Business trends’ that won’t stop in 2020)

We are about a week shy from entering a new year and a year away from a whole new decade. This decade, so far, has been about shifting to the digital medium and making a home in the internet world. 

This shift has made businesses aware of how fast things can change⁠- there always will be new trends year in year out. In short, they are ready for it. However, some trends just last decades, and this particular piece is about a few of those past business trends you'll see in 2020. Read ahead to find out:

1. The marketing constant:

Apps like Tik Tok are rising fast. And social media like Facebook is losing its relevance. But in 2020, some marketing platforms will remain and grow the same. 

Instagram is still going to be the go-to social media for B2C companies and their audience. Linkedin will be huge for B2B. And, of course, businesses will still grow and build the email list given it hasn't lost its "usage" ⁠- sure, the open rates have decreased from what it was 20 years ago, but still.

2. Startups will always turn to coworking spaces:

Despite what happened with Wework's valuation the last couple of months, businesses, especially startups, will unmovingly prefer coworking spaces for operating. The reason? Well, these places offer just that much more. Right from the morning coffee to superfast internet, flexible desks to conference rooms, they've got it all.

In fact, even outsiders can book meeting rooms at such facilities to decrease remote employees and client's commute cost/time.

3. People will be relevant, despite all the "AI" stuff in the CX:

Technology has lifted us up to unbelievable heights. Still, it's far from many speculations.

In the customer experience department, where AI is the future, humans are relevant as always. "A dystopian world where robots take away our jobs is still far away. AI would help customer support agents deliver amazing experiences to customers, AI should not be looked at as something that will replace the human worker, rather it must be seen as a co-worker that will make us more efficient in turn helping us serve customers better."

4. Change is constant:

'Trend' is a very similar word to 'change', and it is constant. So, let's talk about some actual change that you will notice in 2020:

  • 5G: People will start using 5G, and businesses will try to capture the attention of potential customers on a grand stage.

  • Business leveraging the good: With all the #gogreen, #teamtrees, and #savetheworld, businesses will try to hack the culture and better the world along the way.

  • The rise in the gig economy: This is the obvious one but a true one. The gig economy will be bigger than ever, and businesses will be able to cut their costs by hiring freelancers and remote workers.

That's it.

Wrap up

More things will remain unchanged than another way 'round, so if you are a business, keep executing as is and keep an eye on the spikes happening around.

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