USS Nimitz UFO Time-Travelled to Reach 19,000mPH, According to Top Physicist

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The "Tic Tac" craft comes up once again as a renowned physicist claims the USS Nimitz UFO is made of metamaterial that allowed it to time travel. Dr. Jack Sarfatti is a world-renowned physicist and is an expert in quantum physics. He made several books in the field, therefore giving his account more weight than that of others. 

USS Nimitz UFO

In the report by The National Post, they rehashed the USS Nimitz UFO as described by the witness. They reported U.S. Navy pilot Chad Underwood breaking his silence on the topic of the said spacecraft.

Jack Sarfatti
(Photo : Wikimedia)

Underwood filmed the USS Nimitz UFO over the Pacific Ocean and captured all of this from the radar pod on his F/A-18 Super Hornet. His account has been verified by another pilot who saw the spacecraft earlier that same day. 

The Daily Star stated that Underwood witnessed the USS Nimitz UFO drop from 80,000ft to around 28,000ft in several seconds. His other account includes the spacecraft going above sea level, about 28,000ft, and fell in under a second. This means that the USS Nimitz UFO traveled at a constant speed of 19,000 mph. That is a speed deemed unimaginable for a human-made spacecraft. 

What the UFO is made of

In his interview on The Hidden Truth Show with James Bresio, Dr. Sarfatti suggested that the USS Nimitz UFO is made with a type of meta-material. This material allows the craft to keep itself whole as it travels in the speed of light and sustain itself when it slows down.

In the podcast, he explained that the standard papers in the field describe this as a warp drive and time travel. That is a problem, in his opinion, as for the explanation to make sense, the question on energy should be answered. 

However, this is not the case, Sarfatti said. The USS Nimitz UFO does not need a lot of energy. The pilots observed the tic-tac going from 80,000ft down to 50ft in less than two seconds. There are no jet engines or flares present. He explained that it goes at 1,000s of Gs. That is why it cannot be described by conventional propulsion. 

Time Travel
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The meta-material that the fuselage of the Nimitz UFO, Sarfatti believes, explains why the craft can sustain itself at such speed. He said that pumping electromagnetic energy into the material results in a particular resonance.

The rate of light inside the material may go down to a minimal number. He likens the "warp drive" technology of the USS Nimitz UFO with that of Star Trek. 

One thing is clear; the USS Nimitz UFO does not belong to the U.S. Navy. 

That is why Dr. Sarfatti believes the craft came back from the future. He uses the Novikov loop to explain the time travel. He highlights the metamaterial's fuselage that allows the aircraft to move but also control it.

The low-energy warp drive that the USS Nimitz UFO has to enable it to compress the space infront and stretch the area behind.

The 80-year-old physicist is confident in this theory. Now, he is seeking to present this to current U.S. President Donald Trump. 

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UFO Nimitz, Jack Sarfatti, UFO sighting, time travel, alien life, extraterrestrial

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