An Artist Portrays Frontliner Heroes Without Their Masks As Tribute To Their Sacrifice

With the whole world being at stake because of the coronavirus outbreak, people are now relying on the government and its country's frontliners. Frontliners basically involve the medical staff, nurses, doctors, and other experts that are taking care of the coronavirus patients in every part of the world. Despite the stress and pressure that these frontliners are enduring every day, they are still willing to serve and sacrifice themselves in this battle.

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As of today, there are already over 1 million active cases of COVID-19 worldwide. Over 52,000 of those cases are under serious and critical conditions and are left under the care of doctors, nurses, and medical aids. 

Being a frontliner during this global pandemic is not a joke. Doctors, nurses, and medical staff are required to be in hospitals and medical facilities that host coronavirus-infected patients. In some countries, government authorities are now finding more health volunteers, doctors, and nurses in fighting this pandemic battle, and although the pay is a little low, they are still working to help save lives. 

Frontliners: Heroes don't always wear capes

Despite the stress, fatigue, and being overworked, many frontliners have endured all this pain and have isolated themselves from their families to save more lives and to end this global pandemic once and for all. 

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Because of their sacrifices and heroic actions, medical experts, professionals, and other frontliners deserve everyone's deepest appreciation. For without them, everyone in the whole world might be suffering by now. 

Thanks to our frontliners

To express gratitude and appreciation towards frontliners-- the world's greatest heroes--, people who are safe from the virus are extending their help, whether big or small, to them as a token of their sacrifice. 

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Many donations, such as food, face masks, hygienic products, and other medical supplies, were given to them from donors and the public. Some have participated in organizations that help support frontliners, such as the "Clap for Carers" tribute

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The appreciation does not stop there. Many artists have also joined the act of giving back to the frontliners in their own little and artistic ways. Recently, an artist has started an act of dedication to honor all frontliners across the world.

Frontliner by McCann Beograd
(Photo : Instagram/McCannBeograd)

Created by artist Lidjia Milovanovic, who is a senior art director at McCann Beograd, she made an artwork where she portrayed medical carers, doctors, and nurses with face mask imprints on their faces. According to her, the face masks are considered to be the superhero masks on their faces in this battle. 

Frontliner by McCann Beograd
(Photo : Instagram/McCannBeograd)

The project included three photographs of three people who were photographed in a close up look. The artwork looked utterly perfect, as the lines of the mask elaborated hours of work dedicated by the frontliners. 

Frontliner by McCann Beograd
(Photo : Instagram/McCannBeograd)

The artwork did not only show how frontliners look when they are at work, but it also showed a deeper meaning and realization to people that their profession is a serious matter, and they deserve to be acknowledged and thanked for their unending service. 

Before Milovanovic's artwork tribute, artist Jelena Grahova also showcased her artwork where she turned famous superheroes into doctors. 

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artist, coronavirus outbreak, pandemic, global pandemic, Coronavirus, COVID-19 outbreak, COVID-19, frontliners, face masks

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