Pay Attention to These Details Before Registering for Examsnap Microsoft AZ-104 Certification Exam

Cloud computing technology has become very popular nowadays and completely changed the way business functions. Many companies and organizations are moving towards cloud computing services. That's the reason why IT professionals decide to earn an official certification in this domain. Exam AZ-104 from Microsoft is related to one of the successful accreditation paths that applicants can take to advance their careers in the Azure technologies field and qualify their ability to deploy IT platforms, web apps, and virtual servers.

Moreover, it brings an international certification to the applicants' resumes, as with this test passing, they can earn the Microsoft Certification . The benefits brought by this certification are amazing, but to enjoy them, first you need to pay attention to the AZ-104 exam details in order to pass it. To know what this exam entails, go on reading.

Overview of the Microsoft AZ-104 Exam

As we've mentioned above, the Microsoft AZ-104 is required for obtaining the relevant associate-level certificate. However, the candidates who plan to take this exam must have a minimum of six months of practical experience in Azure administration. In other words, the applicants should know how to manage key Examsnap Azure services, and demonstrate their expertise in Azure workloads and security.

What's more, the official exam lasts 120 minutes. And the applicants should expect to receive around 40 to 60 tasks in different formats. For example, they should be prepared to tackle multiple-choice, drag and drop, active screen, mark review, hot spot, case study types of questions. The success in the AZ-104 exam means that the candidate has scored minimum 700 points out of 1000.

Topics Tested on the Microsoft AZ-104 Certification Exam

So, if you want to pass the Microsoft AZ-104 exam with an excellent mark, you should definitely allocate a lot of time to training. But, before you start the preparation process, you should take a close look at the exam's syllabus. It includes the skills and knowledge you will need to develop to be successful on the final evaluation. Below, you can find the details contained in the exam blueprint:

  • Managing governance and subscriptions, as well as becoming experts in managing the Azure AD objects and implementing role-based access control features.
  • Implementing the secure storage features, managing the Azure storage components, and configuring Azure files and Blob Storage Azure.
  • Using the Azure Resource Manager templates for automating the deployment of the virtual machine together with succeeding in configuring VMs, containers, and Azure App Service features.
  • Implementing, managing, and troubleshooting virtual networking, configuring load balancing, securing access to virtual networks, as well as using Azure virtual network for integrating the on-premises network
  • Applying the Azure Monitor features for resource monitoring alongside implementing recovery and backup phases.

The exam blueprint helps you make an objective self-assessment and determine your weak and strong points. Therefore, you will be able to adapt your prep strategy and have a higher chance to reach your goal.


So, you can pass the Microsoft AZ-104 exam with flying colors if you don't underestimate the training's importance. Thanks to the official exam outline, you can customize your preparation routine and realize what's expected from your side on the final test. Therefore, once you get a clear view of the skills you need to develop, you will know exactly what training materials will work best for you. And that's half the battle!

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