Scale Model Solar System: Nevada Desert Used To Create A Model Of System ... - The Market Business

​The solar system is huge. Neptune, technically the last planet in our solar system, is 2.8 billion miles away. But really wrapping your head around numbers that large is tough. What’s more, most representations of the solar system get the scale of the planets all wrong—when you’re talking about something 5.6 billion miles in diameter, even a massive planet like Jupiter (just 86,881.4 miles in diameter) is essentially a speck.

Filmmakers Wylie Overstreet and Alex Gorosh set out to try to capture just how big the solar system is. To do it, they needed 7 miles of desert. When you shrink the solar system down to 7 miles, the sun is about 5 feet across. Jupiter is about the size of a cantaloupe. Our own planet is the size of a marble. And to get out to the furthest reaches of our solar system means clambering into a car and driving for a while.

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