American trilogy

Morally disturbing news reports largely originate from a trilogy based upon misplaced confidence and self-gratification. The foundational first segment of the trilogy throughout the USA is biblical illiteracy. Pew Research published articles report a general malaise and avoidance of even sustained occasional study of the Bible. This leads to “people in the pews” becoming subject to being easily misled by pastors exercising “religious subjectivity” as opposed to “literal translation” of the Word. Equally tragic, biblical illiteracy influences the election of significant numbers of duly elected government officials obsessed with power, greed and the next election.

The second segment of the trilogy is growing loss of the fear of God. Because of biblical illiteracy, the growing majority of Americans are choosing to ignore biblically promised judgments unequivocally detailed in the Bible. It is a self-determined decision to avoid the realities of believing and living a biblical world view. One evidence of Americans ever-growing loss of the fear of God is the existence of Planned Parenthood, its worshipped idol of abortion, with a massive support base of secularists, amoral politicians, radical feminists, national TV networks and print media news apologists.

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