Heroes Reborn Series Premiere Review: Here We Go Again -

Way to spoil the party, bad guys! Just as humans and Evos (the new slang for people with Heroes abilities) were about to hold hands and sing "Kumbaya" at the Human and Evo Peace Summit in Odessa, Texas, one of you jerks had to come along and blow everyone up, ushering in a new era of Evo hatred and undoing all the hard PR work done over the years since Heroes went off the air. Jerks.

Yep, Heroes Reborn began with a time jump, and in doing so went back to mostly the same scenario its 2006 predecessor relied on for its bumpy four-season ride (though actually the series' qualitative graph looked like the flightpath of Superman swallowing Kryptonite in mid-air). We'll have to fanfic those missing times of peace between the ordinary people with extraordinary abilities and the plain old ordinary people with no abilities, because that's hella-boring and creator Tim Kring would like to stay in that dramatic kiddie pool of super-powered people against the rest of the world, their abilities misunderstood by Joe Regular and therefore a source of bigotry and hatred. But for as much change Heroes Reborn would like you to believe happened during those blank years while Heroes was off the air, things sure did look the same in the two-hour premiere.

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