0 News
Get to know a new very creative lock design called Xpuzmag Lock.
0 Inspirational
Cat jumps from burning building after crowd encourages it. The crowd applauses after the jump.
0 Cool
Talented bird singer makes interesting noise and imitations.
0 Cool
One pot pasta, quick and easy way of cooking! Will you make it?
0 Funny
Roommate caught cleaning and dancing at the same time.
0 People
Robbie “Maddo” Maddison takes over the Utah Olympic Park in Park City, Utah.
0 Funny
Clever dog picks up baby’s toy to trade it for breakfast.
0 People
Don’t put stuff in the microwave that are not supposed to be there, or this might happen!
0 Cool
Seahawks mascot Taima the Augur lands on one of the fan’s head before the game kickoff.