Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 News

Very creative new lock design (VIDEO)

Get to know a new very creative lock design called Xpuzmag Lock.

0 Inspirational

Cat obeys kind crowd of people and jumps from burning building (VIDEO)

Cat jumps from burning building after crowd encourages it. The crowd applauses after the jump.

0 Cool

This might be your new hobby! (VIDEO)

Man builds a Dodge M37 from poly styrene sheet.

0 Cool

Bird that makes incredible noise and imitations (VIDEO)

Talented bird singer makes interesting noise and imitations.

0 People

John Oliver on the Lottery (VIDEO)

John Oliver talks Lottery.

0 Cool

One pot pasta will make you salivate (VIDEO)

One pot pasta, quick and easy way of cooking! Will you make it?

0 Cool

Bird imitates R2-D2 (VIDEO)

Clever bird learned how to imitate R2-D2.

0 Funny

Kids react to old cameras (VIDEO)

Today’s kids react to old camera.

0 News

Introducing Amazon Echo (VIDEO)

Get to know Amazon Echo.

0 Funny

Some people just know how to enjoy anything, even cleaning (VIDEO)

Roommate caught cleaning and dancing at the same time.

0 Cool

Robots fight with swords (VIDEO)

ABB Robots fight katana fight.

0 People

Robbie Maddison’s drop in (VIDEO)

Robbie “Maddo” Maddison takes over the Utah Olympic Park in Park City, Utah.

0 Funny

Dog brings baby’s toy to trade for breakfast (VIDEO)

Clever dog picks up baby’s toy to trade it for breakfast.

0 People

Glow stick blows up in kid’s face after he microwaves it (VIDEO)

Don’t put stuff in the microwave that are not supposed to be there, or this might happen!

0 Cool

Seahawks mascot hawk bird lands on fans’ head before kickoff (VIDEO)

Seahawks mascot Taima the Augur lands on one of the fan’s head before the game kickoff.

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