Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Cool

Interesting sound of violin trumpet! (VIDEO)

Discover an interesting instrument that plays violin trumpet sound.

0 People

Robert Downey Jr. talks "Iron Man 4" on David Letterman (VIDEO)

David Letterman and Robert Downy Jr. talk the future of Iron Man.

0 Funny

Maya the dog, being silly (VIDEO)

Dog Maya being quirky.

0 Places

10 most mysterious worlds on Earth (VIDEO)

Learn about 10 most mysterious worlds on Earth.

0 People

Tap dance duel by seminarians (VIDEO)

Seminarians battle it in tap dance duel.

0 People

Motorcyclist lands a hand at overturned car extrication (VIDEO)

Motorcyclist helps during overturned car extrication on his way home.

0 Cool

Sandwiches around the world (VIDEO)

Take a look at sandwiches around the world. Which one would you like to taste?

0 People

John Oliver talks sugar (VIDEO)

Is sugar good for you? John Oliver talks on interesting topic, sugar!

0 People

10 facts about Elon Musk (VIDEO)

Learn 10 little known facts about Elon Musk.

0 Places

Prisons that help inmates to leave the criminal life behind (VIDEO)

Superintendant from Attica Correctional Facility in New York visits Nordic prisons.

0 Cool

Deer comes to kitchen to have a bottle of milk (VIDEO)

Family had an interesting visitor for breakfast-a deer.


Rain of spiders (VIDEO)

Interesting spider rain.


Truck sinks into hole while driving on road (VIDEO)

Truck sinks into a hole that appears on the road.

0 Funny

Giraffe and naughty rhino (VIDEO)

Giraffe kicks annoying rhino.

0 People

GoPro hits the rock while filming it (VIDEO)

GoPro hits the rock and crashes while filming.

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