0 Cool
This is how it looks like when an elephant crashes pool party.
0 People
Kosmonauta, an interesting visualization of a sound clip from a female cosmonaut in distress. The signal was picked up on a soviet space frequency in 1962.
0 Cool
Clever German shepherd helps his friend dog out of her kennel.
0 Funny
Two little girls and a boy talk weather and poke gentle hearts.
0 Funny
Andy Samberg’s tells Jimmy Fallon that Mark Zuckerberg set up his Facebook profile.
0 News
Used packaging being used again? Yes! Watch a video about surfboard made of cardboard.
0 People
Soccer player Florenzi creates a special moment with his grandmother.
0 People
What do you do when you stuck for an hour in a traffic jam? You find musicians and have fun!
0 Funny
5-year old daughter knocks her father out. He didn’t expect that!
0 Funny
Little daughter pronounces the word ‘orangutans’ in a very cute and funny way.