Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 News

Dandelions used to make rubber! (VIDEO)

Rubber of the future might be produced from dandelions.

0 Funny

Bird annoying a sleeping cat (VIDEO)

This bird wants to play while the cat prefers to sleep.

0 Cool

Observe a gigantic eruption of solar material (VIDEO)

Solar eruption caught on camera.

0 Cool

Smoker’s versus healthy lungs (VIDEO)

This video shows a difference between smoker’s and healthy lungs.

0 Funny

Self service checkout prank (VIDEO)

Self service checkout machine prank.


Insane Indian drivers perform stunning tricks that will give you chills (VIDEO)

Insane drivers in India perform stunning tricks on bikes and cars.

0 Cool

A touching Italian commercial will help you to see relationships in a different way (VIDEO)

This Italian commercial will touch your heart and open your eyes to precious relationships you have.

0 People

Rodney Mullen and his best street skate stunts (VIDEO)

Let Rodney Mullen excite you with his best street skate jumps and stunts.

0 Cool

Cool bike jumps from British Superbike in Cadwell Park (VIDEO)

Stunning bike jumps from British Superbike 2013.

0 People

97 year old granny jamming on the street (VIDEO)

97-year old tip toeing granny still full of life and joy! Will you join her in dancing?

0 People

Rapper makes incredible and inspiring Mozart rap (VIDEO)

Music teacher asks rapper to do a fast rap video for students to inspire them to be great using! Rapper uses Mozart music and does an awesome job!

0 Cool

Explore an exciting human side of engineering (VIDEO)

Take a look at a captivating human side of engineering.

0 Funny

This photoshoot idea will literally shock you! (VIDEO)

Shocking photoshoot idea.

0 People

ALS ice bucket challenge goes wrong (VIDEO)

Girl does ALS ice bucket challenge and smashes into a pillar. Ouch!

0 People

Make-A-Wish and group of Marines make little boy’s dreams come true (VIDEO)

Little boy with tumor behind his eye gets a surprise from Make-A-Wish and a group of Marines!

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