0 Cool
Duck pet Nibbles gets excited when her friend comes back from school.
0 Cool
Epic performance of Kahuku class of 2015.
0 People
Fitness pro sets a new world record for the longest held abdominal plank.
0 Cute
Panel of puppies predicts the result of 2015 NCAA Championship.
0 People
Duncan Keith from Black Hawks helps to fulfill Cammy’s dream!
0 People
Women celebrities give advice to young women.
0 People
Husband wrote over 10,000 love letters to his beloved wife.
0 Funny
Unimpressed cat reacts to the world largest whoopee cushion.
Walking man distracted by a phone steps on snake!
0 Funny
10-month old baby sees his mom’s twin for the first time.
0 Funny
Chris Pratt nails Towie accent on The Graham Norton Show.