Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Places

Find out how astronauts eat their lunch in space (VIDEO)

Christ Hadfield demonstrates how astronauts eat in space.

0 Cute

A cute dog and a baby entertain each other (VIDEO)

Boxer and a baby enjoy playing together in adorable way!

0 Cool

Sea otter basketball player (VIDEO)

16-year old sea otter basketball player will put a smile on your face.

0 Funny

Baby feeds bulldog from his mouth (VIDEO)

Baby feeds bulldog friend from his mouth.

0 Cute

Orangutan loves to see newborn baby (VIDEO)

Orangutan sees a baby and loves it!

0 Cool

This little breakdancing girl will make your jaw drop! (VIDEO)

Little girl steals the show with her breakdance skills!

0 People

Juggler solves Rubik’s cube while juggling (VIDEO)

Juggler Ravi solves the Rubik’s cube while juggling!

0 Funny

Cat expresses her dislike towards bath time with her meows (VIDEO)

This cat doesn’t like bath time and expressed it through its meows.

0 Funny

Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Hart take a roller coaster ride! (VIDEO)

Jimmy Fallon and Kevin Hart take a roller coaster ride. Kevin hates roller coasters!

0 Places

Lion gets too close to a wild life photographer (VIDEO)

Lion gets too close to a wild life photographer and makes him sweat! What an experience!

0 Funny

Kids from Congo touch hairy white man for the first time! (VIDEO)

Congo’s kids touch a white hairy man for the first time! Watch their excitement!

0 News

Butter versus margarine (VIDEO)

Butter versus margarine, which one is better for you?

0 People

Restaurant owner with Down’s Syndrome makes people happy by delivering good food and hugs (VIDEO)

Tim Harris with Down’s Syndrome goes after his dream, enjoys it and makes other people happy by running his own restaurant.

0 Cool

Erik Roner goes umbrella skydiving (VIDEO)

Erik Roner tries to skydive with an umbrella.

0 Funny

Dalmatian puppies go nuts over peanut butter (VIDEO)

Dalmatian puppies go nuts over a spoon of peanut butter.

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