Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 People

Heartfelt wedding message from the air (VIDEO)

Man unable to attend his brother’s wedding while serving in Afghanistan sends a wedding a heartfelt message the couple.

0 Places

What does it look like if you cry in space (VIDEO)

How do tears react in space?

0 Inspirational

This is how you save a bat (VIDEO)

Taking care of baby bat and returning it back to wild.

0 Cool

Pug, the food critic (VIDEO)

Food critic pug Pablo.

0 Funny

One clever raccoon! (VIDEO)

Clever raccoon uses phone lines handing in the air to get from one place to the other.

0 Cool

Baby river otter learns to swim (VIDEO)

Mom otter teaches baby river otter to swim and dive.

0 Funny

Daddy dancing with daughters at stadium (VIDEO)

Daddy-daughters date at stadium. Who has more fun?

0 Funny

No ordinary wedding! (VIDEO)

This is no ordinary wedding, and this is why!

0 People

Twin sisters reunite after being separated right after birth (VIDEO)

Twin sisters find each other through internet after 25 years of separation.

0 Funny

Look at all those what? (VIDEO)

Little girl tell daddy to look at all those...!

0 Funny

Giving weird compliments (VIDEO)

Giving weird compliments to people on the street. How would you react?

0 People

A dollar for good luck (VIDEO)

Man on the street gives a dollar to passersby. Watch their reaction.

0 Funny

Human chair in cafe (VIDEO)

Human chair would surprise even the toughest man!

0 People

Teacher changes lives (VIDEO)

Teacher making difference in students’ lives. What a story!

0 Funny

Woodchuck eating ice cream in an adorable way (VIDEO)

Adorable woodchuck enjoying ice cream cone.

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