Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 People

One hardworking dad gets his father’s day gift earlier-time with his beautiful family (VIDEO)

Hardworking dad separated from his wife and a sick child gets his beautiful father’s day gift!

0 Funny

Face breakers game with Jimmy Fallon and Tom Cruise (VIDEO)

Tom Cruise and Jimmy Fallon as face breakers!

0 Cool

Alton Brown shares new tip for your BBQ (VIDEO)

A new tip from Alton Brown for the upcoming BBQ season: stake on coals!

0 People

Street performer will amaze you with his guitar skills (VIDEO)

Skilled guitar player on the street will take your breath away.

0 Funny

Adults taste baby food (VIDEO)

Did you ever taste baby food? These adults were brave enough to do it. Watch their reaction!

0 Cool

How to flip an overturned truck (VIDEO)

Tires are used to help flip over an overturned truck.

0 Places

Time-lapse of icebreaker traveling through Antarctica (VIDEO)

Time-lapse of icebreaker traveling through Antarctica is something interesting to watch.

0 Cool

Interesting way to play the piano! (VIDEO)

Famous For Elise played in a different way from what you would expect.

0 Funny

Adorable baby goat screams! (VIDEO)

Baby goat gives its best scream ever!

0 News

Interesting history of typography (VIDEO)

Expand your knowledge about typography through this interesting and brief lesson.

0 People

Man deadlifts 994 pounds! (VIDEO)

This man has some two strong hands! He deadlifts 994 pounds!

0 Cool

Cool magnetic levitation device (VIDEO)

Cool magnetic levitation will blow you away and will make you to want to try it.

0 Funny

Unique and original way to ask someone out to the prom

Ridiculous and very original way to ask someone to go with you to the prom. Will she go to prom with him or not?

0 People

William Tell Overture played on wine bottles and it sounds so good! (VIDEO)

Famous Rossini’s “William Tell Overture” played on wine bottles sounds surprisingly good!

0 People

How does a mom handle driving the 900hp 3Dx Evo? (VIDEO)

Mom drives the 900hp 3DxEvo and enjoys the speed!

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