0 People
7-year old girl with black belt practices Kankudai.
0 People
9-year old Adrian Romoff reveals his piano talent at America’s Got Talent and wins the judges and the audience over!
0 People
Touching story about Melvyn Amrine diagnosed with Alzheimer’s who went missing to buy flowers for his bellowed wife Doris, for mother’s day as he did each year. Cop helped to complete his mission.
0 Cute
Adorable cat takes bath in the cutest way possible.
0 Funny
Cute dog asks for his toy but cat doesn’t even bother!
0 Inspirational
Adorable cat that was born blind is playful and full of life with his toys.
0 Funny
Baby laughs at cat playing with his toys.
0 Funny
This adorable dog is just too scared to walk down the stairs so his loving owner gives him a helping hand. How sweet!
0 Funny
When penguin falls in front of other penguins.
0 Cool
Incredible footage of dolphin birth at Dolphin Quest Hawaii.