Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Cool

Indoor surfing (VIDEO)

Being indoor and still surfing.

0 Cool

Ryan Williams and his insane BMX trick (VIDEO)

Ryan Williams nails crazy BMX trick.

0 Places

Slide down through a canyon water slide! (VIDEO)

Experience a cool canyon water slide.


Crazy free fall into net (VIDEO)

When there is nothing under you only a net!

0 Cool

Bicycle stunts! (VIDEO)

Bicycle and crazy stuff you can do with it.

0 Places

Take a trip to breathtaking New Mexico (VIDEO)

Amazing places in New Mexico to inspire.

0 Places

Beautiful Monument Valley and Canyon de Chelly (VIDEO)

Visit amazing places in Arizona!


8 disgusting facts about some food! (VIDEO)

8 facts about food that will creep you out.

0 Cute

Horse and cow play chase! (VIDEO)

A horse and a cow play together.

0 Funny

Funny playful ferrets (VIDEO)

Cute video compilation starring ferrets!

0 Places

Celebrating the Earth by plangent a tree (VIDEO)

People share why they plant a tree to celebrate Earth Day.

0 Cute

3-month old baby pig playing balls (VIDEO)

Meet a 3-month old baby pig playing balls.

0 Places

Extraordinary ocean (VIDEO)

Ocean and its beauty.

0 Places

Time-lapse of April showers in Yosemite Valley (VIDEO)

April showers in beautiful Yosemite Valley.

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