Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Funny

Fails and falls (VIDEO)

People and their fails and falls.

0 Cool

Milk and soap magic (VIDEO)

Milk and soap magic you can try at home.

0 Cool

Fire ants versus water (VIDEO)

It’s almost impossible to drown fire ants when they cooperate.

0 Cute

Adorable baby boy and funeral for his gold fish (VIDEO)

Adorable baby boy and a sad funeral for his dead gold fish.

0 People

Pregnant mom of 6 boys find out what the gender of the 7th baby is (VIDEO)

Mother of 6 boys gets a surprise baby gender reveal of her 7th baby she is pregnant with.


Boxer and her pacifier (VIDEO)

Boxer Leia falls asleep with her pacifier.

0 Cool

Treat for all church organ and piano lovers (VIDEO)

Church organ and piano lovers! This will make your day!

0 Cute

Puppy, the music lover (VIDEO)

Puppy that loves to listen to live piano music.

0 Places

Winter in Arizona (VIDEO)

What does winter look like in Arizona?

0 Cool

Parents put their baby to sleep using tissue (VIDEO)

Parents find an interesting way to put their 3-month old baby boy to sleep using a humble tissue.

0 People

People try vegan cheese for the first time (VIDEO)

People react to vegan cheese.

0 People

Actress Bette Midler surprises one of her big fans (VIDEO)

Bette Midler has a surprise for one of her big fans.

0 Cute

Cute cats begs for petting (VIDEO)

Adorable cats demand petting.

0 Funny

Comedian Amy Schumer makes everyone laugh (VIDEO)

Comedian Amy Schumer and her fun talk on The Ellen Show.

0 Funny

Cats versus printers (VIDEO)

Cats and their curiosity for printers.

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