Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Cool

Exotic fruit and how to eat it! (VIDEO)

Learn about exotic fruit and how to eat it.


10 most expensive fruits! (VIDEO)

10 most expensive fruits in the world.

0 Cool

Learn how many colors are in rainbow (VIDEO)

Tom Scott takes a closer look at a rainbow.


Top 10 most expensive food in the world! (VIDEO)

What food is the most expensive in the world?

0 Places

Dance party in NYC subway to encourage human interaction! (VIDEO)

DJ dance party in NYC subway train encourages human interaction.

0 Cool

Human-powered theme park is the one you would like to try! (VIDEO)

Human-powered, kinetic-art theme park playground.

0 Cool

Brave hummingbird drinks water from hand (VIDEO)

Beautiful brave hummingbird comes to drink water from a hand.


Spectacular driver ants (VIDEO)

Driver ants and their interesting way of life.

0 Cool

Learn to make matchbox rocket! (VIDEO)

Easy way to make a matchbox rocket launching kit.

0 Funny

Owls can be funny! (VIDEO)

Fluffy funny owls!

0 Funny

Pig that doesn’t like to cuddle (VIDEO)

Virginia, the pig doesn’t like to cuddle.

0 Funny

Meteorologist leaves hanger in his suit (VIDEO)

Meteorologist and his hanger suit.

0 People

Kansas City police flash mob! (VIDEO)

Unexpected flash mob done by police officers.

0 Cute

Animals that love bath time (VIDEO)

Animals enjoying their bath time.

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