0 Cool
With rising unemployment rates, the homeless rate has also increased. According to the 2010 US Conference of Mayors report, Family homelessness increased by 9 percent. Almost 60 percent of Americans will spend at least one year below the poverty line at some point between ages 25 and 75. Here's an easy way for you to help out a homeless person with just $20.
0 People
Billionaire Oprah Winfrey is best known for hosting her own internationally popular talk show from 1986 to 2011. She is also an actress, philanthropist, publisher and producer. Here are 50 fun facts you might not know about the TV mogul.
0 People
Do you remember yourself at 12-years-old? You may have been doing the uber trendy and oh-so-complicated Macarena dance at that time. However, that's not what this cool gal, Charlize Glass, is doing. She's already been featured on America’s Got Talent, The Ellen Show, Maury’s Mini Idol show, in Willow Smith’s “Whip My Hair” music video, featured in Ciara’s “Got Me Good” video and danced on VH1 Divas Live for Ciara. Glass has also had the chance to work with people like Bruno Mars, the Far East Movement and Mindless Behavior.
0 People
Michael Jackson was one of the world's most high profile celebrities but he still managed to have maintained some privacy. Here are 50 things you might not know about the King of Pop
0 People
James Avery, who played the father on "The French Prince of Bel-Air" has died at 65 on Tuesday, December 31, 2014.
0 News
Learn about the coolest genetic discoveries of the year in this video below.
0 Inspirational
Christmas may have come and gone, but its always the season for giving. Watch this WestJet video on what they did to get others into the spirit of giving.
0 Funny
Elevator pranks seem to becoming increasingly popular online. However, different countries have different approaches to how they're conducted. They're either funny like the Japanese like perform them, or the Brazilians prefer to offer them up in a scarier way. Which do you prefer?
0 Funny
Street performers are a fun sight to watch especially if they are happy and get the crowd in an excited mood. What makes the show that extra special is when the crowd gets involved. Imagine the delight of this happy street performer when a cute little kid got in on the action and participated in the dance celebration.
0 Funny
Your hair looks great, you have a banging outfit on and ready to hit the town and you decide to take a quick selfie to show off how great you're looking. You take out the phone, strike a pose, click, analye the results and whoa! What happened? Delete. Better luck next time.
0 Funny
Have you ever taken a selfie and thought it was going to come out great, only to find out that the timing was...off? Here are 10 hilarious selfies taken at the worst possible timing.
0 Funny
Fashion is a way to express your personality or what's on your mind. We scoured the internet and found some hilarious t-shirt sayings.
0 Funny
Who doesn't hate Mondays? After an uber relaxing or a pumping weekend, the idea of heading back to the cubicle on Monday morning can be anything but appealing. So if Monday was a person, this is what she would probably look like... the only thing left to wonder is what would Monday look like if it was a man?
0 Funny
It's that time of the year where everyone is getting cute and adorable family photos taken to send to their loved ones. However, some families are slightly less fortunate than others when it comes to the final product. Here are 10 of the most LOL family photos that will make you either cringe, laugh or just be grateful you're not featured in one of them. Enjoy!
0 Funny
Anyone can and probably has already made sandcastles at the beach. However, below you will find unbelievable masterpieces, art work on their own right. Enough talking, scroll down.