Tag: Inspirational


Grandma Betty with great character became the world’s first InstaGrandma (VIDEO)

Grandma Better became InstaGrandma through Instagram.


Awesome couple saved Blue Heron tangled in braided fishing line with a hook embedded in his leg (VIDEO)

An inspiring video of a couple who caught a Blue Heron to save him from slow death as it was tangled in a braided fishing line with a hook in the leg.


How real men deal with large spiders (VIDEO)

This is how real men deal with large spiders.


Man saves cute fox cub from his head stuck in the can (VIDEO)

Man saves adorable fox cub from his head stuck in the can.


Everyday things that will make your life easier (VIDEO)

Everyday simple things that will make your life easier if you start doing them!


Less than $20 homeless backpack care kit to inspire you! (VIDEO)

A couple makes less than $20 homeless backpack they keep in car and hand out when they see a need for it.


Amazing tips how to make cold weather enjoyable! (VIDEO)

Amazing tips how to make each winter and cold weather count!


Parents react to son’s 130 pounds weight loss! (VIDEO)

A guy lost 130 pound over a year without telling his parents. Watch their reaction!


This is how your body can transform in just 100 days! (VIDEO)

Inspirational video of how the human body can transform in just 100 days.


One legged soccer player Nico Calabria will inspire you! (VIDEO)

One legged soccer player Nico Calabria will inspire and challenge you with his story.


10 amazing tips to stop overeating! (VIDEO)

10 amazing tips that will help you stop overeating.


Funny traffic sign makes everyone laugh! (VIDEO)

Funny traffic sign makes everyone laugh by inspiring people crossing the road in a silly way.


Adorable father and son synchronized dance to “Happy” by Pharrell Williams during the Final Four (VIDEO)

Father and son dance to Pharrell William’s “Happy” during the Final Four and make everyone smile.


Chicken gives a sweet hug a little boy (VIDEO)

This video will melt your heart. A chicken comes to give a little boy a cuddle.


Taylor Swift surprises fan by visiting her bridal shower! (VIDEO)

Fan invited Taylor Swift to the wedding but since Swift couldn’t make it on the wedding date, she decided to visit the bridal shower!

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