Tag: places


Visit amazing frozen country Lapland in Finland (VIDEO)

This video will talk you through an amazing frozen country Lapland in Finland. Enjoy it and get inspired for your next trip!


Get inspired for your next vacation, take a look at Lapland in Finland (VIDEO)

One more wonderful place you have never been to but would want to visit so badly! Enjoy it!


Let’s get deep down into the Reed Flute Cave in China (VIDEO)

This amazingly shaped Reed Flute Cave in China will take your breath away!


Breathtaking walk through the glacial ice cave in Iceland (VIDEO)

This video will walk you through a breathtaking ice cave called ‘The Crystal Cave’ located in Iceland.


Uniquely shaped islands you would want to visit (PHOTO)

Here are some of the most uniquely shaped islands you would like to visit. Some islands were shaped by nature and some by human input.


Dried out desert river restored due to heavy rainfall (VIDEO)

A video caught a very magical moment when a dried out desert river was restored due to heavy rainfall miles away.


Snowboarding in the streets of New York City (VIDEO)

This winter was strong in the New York City and this guy took an advantage of it. He went to snowboard New York City.


Breathtaking PHOTOS of Cities at Night!

Cities at night can be so romantic! The lights also create amazing view for your eyes.


How wolves impacts nature and rivers (VIDEO)

Amazing facts on how wolves impact and change rivers and nature.


10 secret facts about the CIA exposed VIDEO)

10 secret facts about CIA uncovered in a short video. Have they been hiding this from us?


Look again! Check out these weird mirror illusions (PHOTOS)

The mirror is an interesting thing and it sometimes creates weird mirror illusions.


Interesting PHOTOS of Thick Fog over Landscape

Fog can create an amazing view when overlooking a landscape at just the right time.


Guy Dances on Busy Street Corner after Losing a Bet (VIDEO)

A guy had to dance for 30 minutes on busy street corner to the music his brother chose. Surprisingly, losing a bet turned into great fun!


What Breakfast around the World Looks Like? (VIDEO)

Have you ever thought of what people in Iran eat for breakfast? A short video will let you see what people around the world eat for breakfast. What do you eat?


Talented Boy From Sierra Leone Invents Cool Products for Everyday Problems (VIDEO)

Watch this talented young boy, Kevin Doe, who invents new products to help solve problems in his neighborhood in Sierra Leone.

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