Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Cool

Learn 5 cool easy car tricks for beginners! (VIDEO)

5 easy tricks you can learn and perform yourself.


White tigers fighting (VIDEO)

Two large white tigers charging each other.

0 Funny

Squirrel hides its nut in dog’s fur (VIDEO)

Squirrel tries to hide its nuts in Bernese mountain dog’s fur.

0 Cool

Helicopter helps to save life of deer stuck on ice (VIDEO)

Helicopter gives deer a blow to save its life.

0 Funny

Dog knows how to shut someone up (VIDEO)

The dog that knows how to shut someone up.

0 Funny

Mom scared of fake dog (VIDEO)

Son scares his mom with a fake dog.

0 People

First grader shaves his head off for his best friend with cancer (VIDEO)

First grader shaves his head off to make his friend with cancer feel he is not alone.

0 People

9-year old Ben receives his eSight! (VIDEO)

9-year old Ben rejoices as he receives his eSight.

0 People

Dying dad walks his 11-year old daughter down the aisle (VIDEO)

Daddy walks his little girl down the aisle.

0 Funny

Who is really responsible for the deflated footballs? (VIDEO)

Find out who deflated footballs!

0 Cute

Hero dog! (VIDEO)

Dog jumps into the lake to save his owner.

0 People

How well do you know yourself? (VIDEO)

You take a test and find out that the result applies to everyone!

0 Funny

Annoying emu at safari (VIDEO)

Woman scared of emu gets annoyed by one!

0 Places

Coffee around the world (VIDEO)

What coffee is your favorite and which one would you like to try?


Raising a baby and a sloth (VIDEO)

Rising an adorable baby girl along a living teddy bear-the sloth.

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