Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Cool

How to make Nutella chocolate star bread! (VIDEO)

Learn how to make delicious Nutella chocolate star bread.

0 People

Little boy proves to be a tough competition on Masterchef Junior! (VIDEO)

Little boy Riley proves to be the one to watch for on Masterchef Junior.

0 Cool

How small is atom? (VIDEO)

Learn more about the size of an atom.

0 People

Jessie J can sing with her mouth closed! (VIDEO)

Singer Jessie J shows how she can sing with her mouth closed.

0 Funny

Dog fights sleep after long night fishing! (VIDEO)

A dog fights his sleep after a long night of fishing.

0 Funny

Lie Witness News asks random people about speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave this morning (VIDEO)

Jimmy Kimmel’s Lie Witness News asks random people if they saw the speech Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave this morning. This is how they reacted!


Car on fire starts to move when firefighters start to extinguish it (VIDEO)

Burning car starts to move when firefighters start to extinguish it.

0 Funny

9 months pregnant wife didn’t like how her husband put the vegies in the bags (VIDEO)

9 months pregnant wife didn’t like how her husband put the vegetables in the bags so he recorded it to make her laugh later on.

0 People

Parents received children’s party no show bill (VIDEO)

Parent billed for their child not showing at the friend’s birthday party.

0 Cute

Take guinea pig house tour! (VIDEO)

Do you have a lovely little pet? Take a guinea pig tour and get inspired.

0 People

Guy drops the ring off a waterfall but then finds it! (VIDEO)

Dropping the ring during the proposal ended well for the couple.

0 Places

Teacher from Alaska shares interesting way of life in Whittier (VIDEO)

Teacher Erika Thompson tells about the life in Whittier, Alaska.

0 Cute

Cute Guinea pigs munching on red bell peppers! (VIDEO)

Two fluffy Guinea pigs crunching a red bell pepper.

0 Funny

How not to cross a river! (VIDEO)

River crossing fail!

0 News

Boy plays piano using his eyes (VIDEO)

Eye played piano.

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