Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Cool

Discover how beautiful caved candles are made (VIDEO)

Making a beautiful caved candle.

0 Places

Busy London almost empty on Christmas morning (VIDEO)

What does Britain’s capital look like on Christmas morning?

0 People

Kids’ reaction to Wii U! (VIDEO)

Kids open their Christmas presents and there is a Wii U! This is their reaction.

0 People

It’s this touching when son takes away a heavy burden from parents (VIDEO)

Son takes parents’ load off their shoulders. This is their touching reaction.

0 Funny

7-year old caught Santa Claus on camera! (VIDEO)

7-year old tries to catch Santa Claus on camera and this is what happened!

0 Cool

How sharp a blade can be (VIDEO)

Demonstrating how sharp a blade can be.

0 Cool

Daughter gets a big surprise by being pulled over by a cop and getting 2 tickets! (VIDEO)

Dad and cop beautiful cooperate to surprise a 17 year old daughter by giving her 2 tickets. Her reaction is priceless.

0 People

Surprise secret Santa touching people’s hearts (VIDEO)

Surprise secret Santa put some people in heartwarming tears this year.

0 Cool

Archery trick shots to amaze you (VIDEO)

Awesome archery trick shots.

0 Cute

Boston Terrier dressed in Santa on Roomba (VIDEO)

Boston Terrier called Five dressed as Santa riding Roomba.

0 Cool

Dog with deformed front legs running on 3D printed prosthetics (VIDEO)

3D printed prosthetics changed dog’s life.

0 Cool

Impressive pool tricks shots (VIDEO)

Impressive pool tricks shots you thought were impossible.

0 Funny

Funny screaming animals will put you to tears! (VIDEO)

Funny screaming animals to put a smile on your face.

0 Places

Discover the beauty of Dartmoor National Park (VIDEO)

Walk in Dartmoor National Park to learn how beautiful it is.

0 People

Base jump with a dog (VIDEO)

Adventurer Dean Potter and his base jump with his dog.

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