Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Cool

How a commercial airplane is made (VIDEO)

This is how an Airbus A350 is built.

0 People

Cave digging artist and his beautiful work of art underground! (VIDEO)

Artist digs beautiful caves underground. Let it inspire you!

0 People

WWII veteran recalls the power of music (VIDEO)

90-year old Jack Leroy Tueller recalls a remarkable experience he had in WWII when he played music.

0 Cool

The making of candy canes by hand (VIDEO)

How candy cane is made by hand.

0 Funny

Cat’s birthday party (VIDEO)

Cat celebrating birthday.

0 Cute

Little pony showing off his teeth (VIDEO)

Cute pony shows off his baby teeth.

0 Cool

Baking gingerbread cookies with construction and mining equipment (VIDEO)

Gently made gingerbread cookies using construction and mining equipment.

0 Funny

Kids and their love for pets (VIDEO)

Kids and pets time!

0 Cool

Chinese acrobats will make your jaw drop! (VIDEO)

Beautiful acrobat performance by Chinese acrobats.

0 Cool

Amazon Prime Now! (VIDEO)

Amazon and their new delivery option!

0 Cute

Dogs and cats enjoying snow! (VIDEO)

Dogs and cats playing in snow.


Possum invited herself for dinner! (VIDEO)

When a beautiful possum comes for dinner.

0 Funny

Hilarious super magnet cake prank! (VIDEO)

Super magnet cake prank is deliciously funny.

0 Funny

13 dogs and a cat having Christmas dinner! (VIDEO)

13 dogs and a cat enjoying their holiday feast.

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