Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Funny

TV anchors Robert Jordan and Jackie Bange’s commercial break (VIDEO)

This is how these two fun TV anchors spend their commercial break.

0 Funny

Man and his beard (VIDEO)

Man and the life of his beard.

0 Cute

Baby boy tries water for the first time and he loves it! (VIDEO)

Baby boy drinks water for the first time and he gets every excited about it.

0 People

Boy with Autism gets a garbage truck directly from trash man (VIDEO)

Daniel, a boy with Autism who loves to watch garbage trucks gets one from trash man.


This could be the biggest Domino pyramid if it wouldn’t fall before it was finished! (VIDEO)

This could be the biggest Domino pyramid ever….if only it was finished.

0 Cool

Amazing National YoYo contest! (VIDEO)

It’s amazing what you can do with a YoYo toy!

0 Cool

Woman carves Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy out of wood (VIDEO)

Watch an amazing wood sculpturing of Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy.

0 Cool

Flying eagle point of view is breathtaking (VIDEO)

Get an exciting flying eagle point of view.

0 Funny

Singer trips over carpet while singing national anthem (VIDEO)

Singer trips over carpet on ice while singing nation anthem.

0 Cool

What could your creative future look like? (VIDEO)

Technology is advancing. What could your creative future look like?


Helmets are good for you even when riding at slow speed (VIDEO)

You never know what’s behind the corner so keep the speed and wear helmets when needed.

0 Cool

What a balance! (VIDEO)

Man balanced the toothpick, a fork and a spoon on cup’s edge.

0 Funny

Couple of guys help to start Porsche by pushing it! (VIDEO)

Guys helping Porsche to start.

0 News

Watch live translation of speech to speech using Skype Translator! (VIDEO)

Live demonstration of speech to speech translation using Skype Translator in front of live audience.

0 Places

Just an ordinary day in Australia! (VIDEO)

Kangaroo chilling out on the street.

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