Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Places

Incredible climbs aboard a mountain bike (VIDEO)

Danny Macaskill and his incredible mountain bike climbs.

0 Cool

How maggot turns to fly (VIDEO)

Maggot to fly transformation.

0 Funny

What happens when you get wrong size rabbit cage? (VIDEO)

Bunny illustrates what happens when you get wrong size cage.

0 Cool

OnePlus and its quality test (VIDEO)

This is how OnePlus gets tested.

0 Funny

Elephant and buffalo funny interaction (VIDEO)

Teenage elephant and buffalo interaction.

0 Funny

Afraid of jumping spider! (VIDEO)

Man watching a jumping spider.

0 People

Don’t become victim of digital insanity! (VIDEO)

Don’t become a victim of digital insanity and check how you keep in touch!

0 Funny

Puppy has the hiccups (VIDEO)

Adorable puppy Biscuit has the hiccups.

0 People

Father whose daughter was hit by drunk driver has a message for you! (VIDEO)

Father whose daughter was hit by drunk driver pleads: please don’t drink and drive.

0 News

News crew in Dallas taken by the storm (VIDEO)

News crew and equipment taken by the storm.

0 Cool

Amazing lightning storm (VIDEO)

Lightning storm in Austin, TX is something awesome to look at.

0 Places

The most outstanding island in Greece, Santorini (VIDEO)

This might be a great inspiration for your next holiday, Santorini in Greece.

0 Places

Wonderful island Santorini, Greece (VIDEO)

Take a visit to beautiful island Santorini, Greece.

0 People

25 facts about Robert Pattinson (VIDEO)

Learn 25 things about Robert Pattinson.

0 People

Ed Sheeran shares 100 things about himself! (VIDEO)

Ed Sheeran uncovers 100 things about himself.

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