0 Cool
Brave dog in Malta cliff jumps into water from over 11 feet height.
0 Places
Famous tradition in Spain-running of the bull. Would you try that?
0 People
After this burglar tries to hide his face from the security camera he forgets about it and looks straight to it.
0 People
This guy gets lucky as he is saved by the inflatable pools right next to the road after a car crash.
0 Inspirational
Amazing video featuring a little boy with Williams Syndrome and a horse which stands still with patience while a boy is close to him.
0 News
Nogales Sonora experiences a wide flash floods caused by a 40-minute record breaking rain.
Brave shopkeeper successfully fights off the daring robber.
0 Cool
Bird of prey Osprey, tangled in a fishing hook and stuck in a tree is helped and rescued.
0 People
A man on motorcycle showing off in traffic endangering other vehicles falls off his bike.
0 Places
Group of people experiences amazing Pilot Whale encounter while kayaking in Norway.
0 News
Tom Scott explains why British plugs are better than all other plugs.