Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Places

Take a walk through an old abandoned wild west theme park (VIDEO)

This video will take you for a walk through an old abandoned wild west them park.

0 People

Would this guy with a pink guitar annoy you if he would play next to you? (VIDEO)

A guy with a pink guitar on the train is probably the one you wouldn’t want to listen to.


Exploding tires compilation (VIDEO)

Video compilation of tires exploding.

0 Cool

Handicapped hedgehog gets mobile using a wheelchair (VIDEO)

Immobile hedgehog gets mobile using his wheelchair.

0 Inspirational

This is how owls in love look like (VIDEO)

Adorable video of two owls in love.

0 News

Lion living with a family in a detached house attacks their guest (VIDEO)

Guest of the family gets attacked by a lion that lives with the family in a detached house.

0 People

Blindfolded people try to recognize the difference between real and generic cereals (VIDEO)

Cereal taste test: which one is real and which one is generic? Will they get it right?

0 People

This wedding ceremony between an ill groom and his beautiful bride will touch your heart (VIDEO)

Rowden and Leizel beautiful and touching wedding ceremony will move your heart.

0 People

Men talk about their first SPA experience (VIDEO)

Men offer their opinions on SPA experience!

0 People

Ariana Grande “Problem” covered in 20 different styles (VIDEO)

Man covers Ariana Grande’s song “Problem” in 20 different styles. Did he do a good job?

0 Cool

Tipping those who are usually overlooked will put a smile on your face (VIDEO)

Fast food workers get tipped with $100. Their reaction is beautiful.

0 People

Two young cello players amaze judges and the audience at America’s Got Talent (VIDEO)

Two teen cello players amaze judges and the whole audience at America’s Got Talent.

0 Cool

3D painting creates amazing optical illusion (VIDEO)

Amazing 3D wall art painting will blow you away.

0 Places

Diving off the coast of Big Sur in California is wonderful (VIDEO)

Discover the beauty of diving off the coast of Big Sur in California.

0 Places

Strong lightening strike in backyard (VIDEO)

Strong lightening strike in backyard caught on camera!

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