Check out this hilarious video of how two girls make brownies.
Jackie Chan and Spike, the rhino, star in a commercial for anti-rhino horn poaching which pleased viewers to help protect rhinos.
Artistic girl yarn-bombs a New York subway train for one special day in a year to celebrate love and makes everyone riding the train smile.
Watch this guy tongue twist rap in an amazing way! How did he do that?
Have you ever been to the gym and felt out of shape? Watch this hilarious video depict exactly what that feels like.
Bob Herzog performs his pen write parody “Just Don’t Go" inspired by the movie Frozen live on TV.
A heart-warming video showing a mother elephant rescuing her baby elephant who is stuck in mud.
Two artists Ward Shelley and Alex Schweder built a hamster wheel house and lived there for 10 days. One artist lived on top of the wheel and the other on the inside. What an interesting experiment!
An interesting video summarizing all of Canada's history by a British guy. What country will he visit next?
A short video of a cute pug and his expression of excitement when his owner returns home.
Well trained dogs line up and come to get their dinner one by one as they're called by their name.
Inspiring video of soccer player Neymar who stopped security from taking away a little fan who entered the soccer field. The crowd cheered and look what happened next!
Watch this inspirational video of quadriplegic surfer Barney Miller who hopes to inspire people to run for those who can’t.
Retired salesman Steve Hartman created an unlikely friendship with a goose at a Los Angeles park. This changed his life.
Audience surprises Swiss/German duo called BOY during their debut performance in Brooklyn, NY, when the audience starts to sing along knowing the lyrics. The singer is touched and reacts emotionally.