Tag: Inspirational


Your Favorite Pet’s Photos Upside Down (PHOTOS)

These photos captured your best friend in an upside down position. What does your dog look like upside down? Perhaps funny and very cute just like these below.


Mother and Baby Gorilla Bonding in an Adorable Way (PHOTOS)

Mother and baby gorillas have a strong bond that is certainly shown on the photos below. Enjoy watching the miracle of the nature.


Adorable Baby Gorilla PHOTOS to Melt Your Heart

Baby gorillas are so adorable! So fluffy and innocent looking that will melt your heart.


Inspiring Video to Help You Restore Trust (VIDEO)

This short video about trust will help you to restore the trust that is broken or perhaps even lost.


Dangerously Cute Babies Escape (VIDEO)

Babies are smarter than you think! Here are some dangerously cute babies escapes caught on camera!


Cute Baby Daughter and Daddy Workout Together (VIDEO)

Cute baby girl and her daddy workout together. The baby leads the whole exercise lesson.


Obama Announces We are Building Iron Man (VIDEO)

President Obama tells joke during White House manufacturing innovation event announcing that they are building Iron Man.


Deceased Soldier’s Son Pays it Forward to Other Soldier with His Found Fortune (VIDEO)

A beautiful story of honor as a young boy who's father was a soldier pays it forward to the other soldier with the $20 bill he found in parking lot. Young boy handed the $20 bill to the soldier with a note that continues to leave great impact.


Little Girl’s First Roller Coaster Rid Filled with Mixed Emotions (VIDEO)

Little girl gets her first roller coaster ride with her daddy and gets mixed emotions during the ride.


Rock Rendition of I’ll Make a Man Out of You from Disney’s Movie Mulan (VIDEO)

Musician Jonathan Young does his rendition of the Disney’s song “I’ll make a man out of you,” from popular movie Mulan. How do you like this cover?


NBA Star Dwight Howard Interacting with Little Fan during Game Break (VIDEO)

NBA Dwight Howard took time to interact with a little fan during the game break. Everyone enjoyed the extra entertainment.


Paula Creamer and Her Unbelievable 75 Foot Putt (VIDEO)

Paula Creamer wins HSBS Womens Championship with her unbelievable 75-feet Putt.


Beautiful 98 Year Old Woman Helps Her Neighbor and Motivates Others to do Same (VIDEO)

A 98-year old woman Evelyn, helps her neighbor every week by driving her to the grocery store. However Evelyn lost her driver licence because of her age. She determined to get it back and she got it! Now she can help her neighbor regularly. Get inspired to help others like Evelyn.


Football, Soccer, Baseball NERF Sports Amazing Shots (VIDEO)

Dude Perfect came up with a new video that features amazing shots combining football, soccer, and baseball.


Police Street Dance at Mardi Gras (VIDEO)

Two policemen gave a little boost to Mardi Gras with their entertaining dance.

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