0 Cute
Adorable reaction of a young kitten who sees snow for the first time.
0 People
Vital 72-year old Stephen Jepson and his view on how to live life will inspire yours.
0 Funny
Intelligent chimp and his cute reaction to magic tricks.
0 Places
Internationally renowned ice climber Will Gadd and his ice climbing of the famous frozen Niagara Falls.
0 Cute
“Old MacDonald had a farm” performed in the cutest way possible.
0 Funny
Lip sync battle between Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart and Jimmy Fallon. Who wins?
0 People
Port City Sound quartet sings on a plane during maintenance delay and creates beautiful atmosphere.
0 People
Musicians from Philadelphia Orchestra provide a pop up performance on a delayed flight from Beijing.
0 Inspirational
Two big sisters learn their mommy expects twins.
0 People
Husband was saving money for a year to surprise his wife with amazing trip to England.
0 People
Proteas surprise visit to their 11-year old fan!
0 Cool
Falling large snowflakes caught in slow motion will charm your senses.
0 Cute
Adorable baby orangutan name Budi shows improvement as he drinks from bottle without help of vets.