Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Cool

Inside a camera at 10,000fps in slow motion (VIDEO)

Take a look how insanely quick is the inside of a DSLR camera when it takes a picture at 10,000fps.

0 People

Learn how to save a choking baby (VIDEO)

Learn how to assist a choking baby.

0 Inspirational

Mother cat adopts baby rabbit whose mother died (VIDEO)

Cat adopts a baby rabbit after its mother died.

0 Cool

Adorable tipping box at sushi store (VIDEO)

Sushi store and its adorable box for tipping.

0 Cute

Meet the living teddy bear Flocke! (VIDEO)

This might be the cutest baby Polar bear in the world.


Happy lampposts dancing (VIDEO)

Swinging lampposts during windy weather.


Kind homeowner frees panicking deer from being stuck in fence (VIDEO)

Deer stuck in fence freed by a kind home owner.

0 Funny

Ice fishing with unexpected end! (VIDEO)

Fish returns to water by itself and takes fishing rod with it.

0 Funny

People react to fake cold pressed juice (VIDEO)

People drink and react to an expensive fake cold pressed juice made from Fun Dip, Tang, Creamsicles and Skittles.

0 News

News bloopers snow and ice edition! (VIDEO)

Winter news bloopers that happened live on TV!

0 Funny

Beauty secrets explained by guys! (VIDEO)

Women’s beauty secrets explained by men.

0 Places

Beauty around the world (VIDEO)

Various beauty standards around the world. What do you find beautiful?

0 Funny

Bears doing silly things! (VIDEO)

Bears are awesome compilation.

0 Funny

Hilarious weather map malfunctions (VIDEO)

Weatherman Cory McCloskey handles it pretty well after a weather map goes crazy live on the air.

0 People

Put it down and look up! (VIDEO)

Inspiring poem with a great message that can change your life.

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