0 Cool
Take a look how insanely quick is the inside of a DSLR camera when it takes a picture at 10,000fps.
0 Inspirational
Cat adopts a baby rabbit after its mother died.
0 Cute
This might be the cutest baby Polar bear in the world.
Deer stuck in fence freed by a kind home owner.
0 Funny
Fish returns to water by itself and takes fishing rod with it.
0 Funny
People drink and react to an expensive fake cold pressed juice made from Fun Dip, Tang, Creamsicles and Skittles.
0 Places
Various beauty standards around the world. What do you find beautiful?
0 Funny
Weatherman Cory McCloskey handles it pretty well after a weather map goes crazy live on the air.
0 People
Inspiring poem with a great message that can change your life.