Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Funny

Unexpected drummer exit is hilarious (VIDEO)

Drummer leaves the stage in an unexpected way.


Mother moose saves its young from wolves attack (VIDEO)

Mother moose saves its young moose from hungry wolves.

0 News

Man converts soda cans into powerful solar heating panel (VIDEO)

Inventor creates a powerful solar hearing panel using soda cans.

0 Funny

One creative way to wait at red lights (VIDEO)

A guy on a motorcycle spends his wait at red lights in a creative way.

0 Funny

Funny horse flaps his lips (VIDEO)

Hors flapping his lips is so funny!

0 Funny

Best shampoo prank ever! (VIDEO)

This might be the best shampoo prank you have ever seen!

0 People

John Oliver explains soccer to David Letterman (VIDEO)

David Letterman gets explanation about English soccer directly from John Oliver.

0 Cool

Youth football truck stick cleverly done (VIDEO)

Youth football truck stick well done.

0 Inspirational

Baby elephant gets help from mother elephant after its firs accident (VIDEO)

Cute baby elephant experiencing little accident gets help from adult elephants.

0 Places

Meet people of New York City’s Times Square (VIDEO)

Get to know people of Times Square in New York City.

0 Cool

14 money saving life hacks! (VIDEO)

Mental Floss offers 14 money saving life hacks.

0 Funny

Australians taste American snacks (VIDEO)

Australians taste American snacks and this is how they like it.

0 Funny

Dad explains to his teenager kids how to load dishwasher! (VIDEO)

Dad with humor records a video in which he explains to his teen kids how to load a dishwasher.

0 Cute

Miniature horse is super cute! (VIDEO)

Miniature horse will melt your heart.

0 Cool

Show must go on whether stuck in elevator or not! (VIDEO)

Musicians stuck in elevator still pull off a show!

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