Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 People

Grape lady falls on TV (VIDEO)

Grape lady falls on live TV while pressing grape juice.

0 People

Man takes a photo of himself every single day for 6 years (VIDEO)

Watch a time-lapse of Noah who took a photo of himself every day for 6 years.

0 Funny

Cute little kid singing “Hey Jude” (VIDEO)

Lovely little boy does a great job singing “Hey Jude.”

0 Funny

Two adorable otters holding hands (VIDEO)

Two adorable otters holding hands while floating on water.

0 People

Fascinating VIDEO of a baby moving inside mother’s belly (VIDEO)

Baby intensively moving inside mother’s belly.

0 Cool

This might be the coolest wedding entrance you have ever seen! (VIDEO)

Bride, groom and guests have so much fun at this wedding entrance. Good job!

0 Funny

Little girl provides commentary on a beautiful kittens book (VIDEO)

This little girl loves kitten and creating stories out of her head.

0 Funny

Performance on a table goes wrong (VIDEO)

Singing on the top of the table goes wrong.

0 Funny

Scary elevator prank (VIDEO)

Scary elevator prank puts LG IPS monitors to the test.


Husky dog says I love you (VIDEO)

Beautiful Husky dog wants to tell you she loves you.

0 Funny

Fat cat makes it into a pot (VIDEO)

Fat cat doesn’t give it up to fit in a pot.

0 Funny

Cat reacts to various viral videos (VIDEO)

This is how adorable cats react to various viral videos.

0 Inspirational

Couple discovers their baby’s gender in a romantic way (VIDEO)

A friend to the expecting parents sets up a romantic journey for them to discover a baby’s gender.

0 Funny

Baby gender reveal party goes wrong (VIDEO)

Brother who wanted another brother cries when he finds out mom expects another girl.

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