0 News
North Carolina’s Mirlo Beach view from a quad copter after hurricane Arthur passed through the area.
Two airplanes nearly crossed each other on the runway.
0 Cool
Take a ride down the Verruckt, the world’s tallest waterslide.
0 Cool
Taekwondo quadruple kick will give you chills.
0 Inspirational
Lumberjack rescues a black bear with a milk can stuck on his head.
0 Cool
Sports car Subaru Impreza WRX STI passes through a mud pit.
0 Cute
Dog Ivan oversees baby Vincent and his crawling techniques.
0 Funny
Don’t know how to dance to techno music? This cat will teach you!
0 Funny
This cat tries to sing and cackle. Little more practice and he will get it right!