Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Funny

Baby Ada reads tongue twister ‘Peter Piper’ in adorable way! (VIDEO)

This might be the most adorable ‘Peter Piper’ tongue twister you have ever heard.


Photographer gets close and personal with a polar bear! (VIDEO)

Photographer gets up way close to a polar bear and experience close encounter.

0 Funny

Cute cat pulls hand and asks for petting! (VIDEO)

Adorable cat pulls hand to be petted. This might be one of the loveliest things you might see today.

0 Cool

Songs that repeat the word ‘baby’ in one minute mashup! (VIDEO)

Chad Neidt does a mashup of songs that repeat the word ‘baby’. What song with the word ‘baby’ is your favorite?

0 Funny

What human looks like going through an airport baggage X-ray machine (VIDEO)

A guy goes through an airport baggage X-ray machine. See how it looks like.

0 Cool

Marine talks about his AV-8B no front gear landing on USS Bataan (VIDEO)

Marine Corps Capt. William Mahoney talks about how he landed AV-8B with no front gear on USS Bataan.

0 Cool

Making #likeagirl an amazing thing! (VIDEO)

Always’ commercial encourages girls to be girls and to act like girls and not be ashamed of it.

0 Funny

Dads respond to popular musical ‘Frozen’ in an adorable way! (VIDEO)

Dads' respond to musical ‘Frozen’ is adorable.

0 Funny

Parallel parking fail (VIDEO)

Driver tries to park the car, but it looks like there might be not enough space for it. Will she give it up or park it?

0 Cool

Real life fruit ninja! (VIDEO)

Lemoncutting man shows his knife skills cutting fruit really fast!

0 People

Cop gets pulled over by trucker for speeding on wet pavement and talking on cell phone (VIDEO)

Cop pulled over by trucker for speeding. At first the officer denies it, then comes clean and thanks the trucker.

0 Funny

Dog Maymo surprised with 100 balls for his birthday! (VIDEO)

Cute dog called Maymo enjoys balls. Maymo is surprised with 100 balls for his birthday.

0 Funny

Man puts on pants without using hands (VIDEO)

Man puts on pants with no help of hands while dancing.

0 Cool

Wolverine to the rescue! (VIDEO)

Wolverine finds and saves a man under heavy snow cover!

0 Places

Experience amazing dolphin stampede! (VIDEO)

Dolphin stampede charms people at whale watching boat!

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