0 Funny
This might be the most adorable ‘Peter Piper’ tongue twister you have ever heard.
Photographer gets up way close to a polar bear and experience close encounter.
0 Funny
Adorable cat pulls hand to be petted. This might be one of the loveliest things you might see today.
0 Cool
Chad Neidt does a mashup of songs that repeat the word ‘baby’. What song with the word ‘baby’ is your favorite?
0 Funny
A guy goes through an airport baggage X-ray machine. See how it looks like.
0 Cool
Marine Corps Capt. William Mahoney talks about how he landed AV-8B with no front gear on USS Bataan.
0 Cool
Always’ commercial encourages girls to be girls and to act like girls and not be ashamed of it.
0 Funny
Dads' respond to musical ‘Frozen’ is adorable.
0 Funny
Driver tries to park the car, but it looks like there might be not enough space for it. Will she give it up or park it?
0 Cool
Lemoncutting man shows his knife skills cutting fruit really fast!
0 People
Cop pulled over by trucker for speeding. At first the officer denies it, then comes clean and thanks the trucker.
0 Funny
Cute dog called Maymo enjoys balls. Maymo is surprised with 100 balls for his birthday.
0 Funny
Man puts on pants with no help of hands while dancing.
0 Places
Dolphin stampede charms people at whale watching boat!