0 People
Groom and his group performs epic special dance at the wedding.
0 Funny
Some of the Youtube users tell what’s wrong with Youtube in 2014.
Right after a man releases a mouse into nature, hawk comes and snatches it.
0 Funny
Adorable baby crashes father’s concert and seals the show!
0 Cute
Baby panda debuts at the San Diego Zoo and charms everyone!
0 Funny
Taiwanese magic trick features little kitten and a rapper to promote animal adoption. What a cute way to promote a good cause!
0 Funny
Adorable puppy has half of the orange as a toy. Isn’t it amazing how much fun can those little puppies have with such ordinary things?
0 Places
TV viewer watching live police chase gets a front row seat as the chase happens around his house!
0 Funny
Sneezing on people prank would get you too! How would you react?
0 Cool
Clever cat Kido plays shell game for the first time and it does very well!
0 Funny
Bad NFL lip reading can be really hilarious. It looks so believable though.
0 People
Tommy Edison explains what blind people are afraid of and how they deal with it.
0 Cool
A man raises fox as his pet. This fox is 5 and half year old and has a warm winter coat.
0 Funny
Mission Impossible baby performs funny action: getting to the bowl full of candy!