Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska


Little boy and Rhino iguana have breakfast together (VIDEO)

Little boy Logan and his Rhino iguana friend Buddy have breakfast together.

0 Cool

Wimpy uses sesame seeds to write on buns for blind people (VIDEO)

Wimpy’s wonderful idea! They use sesame seeds on buns to write Braille for blind people. Awesome!

0 Cool

Lizzie Velasquez with rare syndrome talks about bullying and how to deal with it (VIDEO)

Lizzie Velasquez with rare syndrome gives an inspirational speak on how to deal with bullying.

0 News

How cats behave in weightlessness (VIDEO)

When cat is thrown down it rotates in the air to land on its feet. How do they behave in weightlessness?

0 Funny

Lizard bites into cat’s tongue and he won’t let go! (VIDEO)

Lizard won’t let go off cat’s tongue!

0 News

Should we be eating insect? (VIDEO)

Should we be eating insects and why?

0 Cool

Man tests out Aster Fresh Water bidet (VIDEO)

Man tests out fresh water bidet. How did he react to different settings?

0 Cool

Guy tries horse animal sound on horse (VIDEO)

Guy tries to imitate sound of a horse on a young horse. Watch how a horse reacts.

0 Places

Kids in desert playing with a desert fox called Fennec (VIDEO)

Kids in Algerian desert playing with a Fennec, one of the young foxes.

0 Places

World’s largest snowball fight! (VIDEO)

World’s largest snowball fight in Seattle.

0 Cool

5 mysterious sounds that were ever recorded! (VIDEO)

Discover what are 5 most mysterious sounds ever recorded.

0 Cool

Awesome Audi’s automatic driving for parking! (VIDEO)

You will be amazed what you are about to see. Audi’s automatic driving for parking!

0 Cool

People with some awesome skills or maybe a good luck? (VIDEO)

People perform awesome skills they improved through hard training and here and there a little bit of luck!

0 Cool

Insane scooter freestyle ride! (VIDEO)

Guys perform cool scooter freestyle ride and tricks!

0 Funny

Dad uses vacuum cleaner to make daughter’s ponytail! (VIDEO)

This father is certainly innovative! He uses vacuum cleaner to make daughter’s ponytail. Quick and easy.

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